Wednesday, 2 September 2015

My bucket list!

Hello again,
So over the past few years I've started to create a bucket list. I decided to create one because there were  lots of things that i was dying to do or places where i would love to visit, or simple things that i would like to accomplish. So in this blog I'm going to tell you a few things that are on my bucket list so far and then explain why i have them on there, so here goes....

1- On the very top of my list is to 'visit Bora Bora', i have wanted to visit Bora Bora since i was on instagram and i saw a photo of the sea huts and i instantly fell in love with the place! It looked very piecefull and i love gong on beach holidays and Bora Bora is full of beaches.

2- The second on my list a lot of people that i have told seem to laugh at ,but it is to 'win at a game of bingo'. I am only 16 so I'm not old enough to yet sign up to bingo as you have to be 18. So as soon as I'm 18 I'll be signing up to bingo. The only reason i can think of why bingo is on my bucket list is because it seems fun and you can win money.

3- Thirdly on the bucket list is i really want to go to London and 'have my photo taken with a beefeater', for the people that don't know a beefeater is one of the guards outside the Buckingham Palace with the very large hats on and that show very little emotion. This again is on my list because when i have seen photos on Instagram they kind of make me jealous that i haven't seen one in person.

4- The fourth on my list is what most people will probably have on theirs too (that's if you have one),and that is to 'buy my own house' .  I look forward for the day when i can have my own home and decorate it how i like and choose the furniture that i want to have and make it my own.

5- 'Buying a coffee machine'  is the fifth thing on my list. I'm not a huge fan of tea and coffee but i do love having coco-chinos, also tesco near me has started selling Oreo mocca for the coffee machine,and i just really want to try it. A coffee machine,i find,makes your home look very friendly and homely. The smell of coffee is divine!

6- The last two things on my list are to visit places. The first one is to 'visit Pairs( Disney, Eiffel tower)'  i visited Paris last year and was lucky enough to take part in the Disney parade what was an unforgettable experience!

7- The last thing on my list is to visit ' Puglia in Italy'  I've wanted to go here since i watched Walking on sunshine on Netflix. The views there are beautiful and the weather looks amazing too. I have never visited Italy so it would also be amazing to go there.

I hope you enjoyed reading my random but unique bucket list, but maybe we have a few things in common! If you have had experienced any of the things I've mentioned or you want to experience them let me know in the comments below. Cya in my next blog,bye xx

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